Tuesday, 25 October 2022

IDHS Newsletter October 2022


Hopefully you are enjoying this mild weather and welcome rain although more is needed to restore streams

back to previous levels.


It was lovely to see so many of you at our last meeting with Andy McIndoe and we welcomed a number of new members.


Our next meeting is on Thursday 27th October when we have Wilf Simcox coming to give us a talk on Conservatory Plants.

Please remember to enter the members competition – details on your membership cards

There will be the usual raffle and refreshments at 50p for a tea or coffee.

Julie Cole and Debbie King are doing refreshments this month.


The show committee for 2023 is meeting shortly and they are keen to get children entering the show as they are our gardeners of the future. If any of you have ideas of how to attract children please send us an email.


Just a reminder that next month is our AGM but it only lasts for about 10 minutes and papers will be sent out to you a week earlier.


In December (8th December) we will be having a members competition to decorate a Christmas cracker with things from your garden, so you may need to start collecting now. We will also have a quiz and the social. We will once again ask you all to bring a small plate of food either savoury or sweet which can be shared. This way definitely reduces waste, keeps club costs down and provides lots of variety.


Looking forward to seeing you all on Thursday


Your Committee

Tuesday, 18 October 2022

Talk 27th Oct 2022 - Conservatory Plants

October 27th, 2022 at 7.30 pm

The topic is Conservatory plants given by Wilf Simcox