
Meetings are the last Thursday in the month at 7.30 pm, in Ibsley Village Hall. Look forward to meeting you ~ check us out on Facebook or phone 07799327747 and speak to Di Barnaby.    Email     idhsinfo19@gmail.com  

The longer day's aren't far away now and all of us 'gardeners' are starting to think about what to grow this season ~ for anyone who is not aware, or new to the area ~ Ibsley has a lovely 'gardening club' which prides itself in providing informative speakers, garden trips, friendly socials and holds an annual plant sale and ~ of course ~ our Horticultural Show ~ which the surrounding area supports wonderfully.

If you do already 'grow your own' then, why not come and enter some in the Show? It's good fun and you don't have to be a member of the club.....although we might try and tempt you to join!!

Thank you for taking the time to read this.