Dr Derek Copley – Caring for your Orchids.
Dr Derek Copley will give us a practical talk including demonstrations of how to repot and care for orchids.
He has an open invitation to members of the audience to bring along plants so that he may comment upon them. Plants may be healthy or ailing!
His talk will include a brief introduction to the world of orchids with instructions on how to look after them.
Derek has grown orchids for some 49 years and has developed a collection of several hundred varieties.
He has been a member of Bournemouth Orchid Society for 48 years and is its Chair.
He is a qualified judge and uses his skills at a variety of shows.
Derek is a former rocket and nuclear physicist. He has spent 30 years of his life training people to benefit those in the parts of the world who suffer from poverty and persecution for their religion. He has focused on Central Asia and Afghanistan for the past 20 years.
Bring along any of your own orchids for comment
Here is a small selection from the many outstanding photographs on the Bournemouth Orchid Society web pages: http://www.bournemouthorchidsociety.org.uk/