Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Azalea. Hints, Tips and Help

I thought that the number of members that took up the offer of Azalea seedlings might be interested in a few hints and tips on bringing these seedlings to fruition and take ones mind off the plague
For those in Poulner a warning. In the nineteen hundreds all the land there was small holdings and would have been limed quite a bit so it’s a risk to plant out lime hating plants. However I knew someone who lived in the centre who had no problems growing Magnolia and Camellia in his garden.
For those in and around the new Forest most of the soil is acid and should have no problems.
OK to keep in as plugs but OK to pot on if needed, in most cases by the end of the year.
Use the correct compost if potting on.
When planting or potting on plant level with the surrounding soil. DO NOT bury the root ball.
If possible use rain water
Water every day in the summer heat.
Keep out of direct sunlight. The hot sun burns them up at this stage. After 12 months should be OK.
Any enquiries Email me at hornejohn1@gmail.com.. Could be a delay in answering.

John Horne