Saturday, 4 July 2020

IDHS newsletter July 2020

          Dear All
I hope your gardens are flourishing with this lovely weather, sun and rain.
Most of you have ignored our plea for a new Treasurer so asking you again to think hard about this – do you know anyone that might be interested even if they do not currently belong to the club.

We are looking at the role to see what parts could be shared across the committee
Please please think carefully as we cannot function without a Treasurer – it would be terrible if our next meeting was our last.

The committee have been thinking about fees for membership in 2021 and have decided that the fairest thing is to say that all those that paid for 2020 (54 members) have 2021 free and all those that did not pay in 2020 pay the usual £6 in January 2021. Hopefully we might make a few meetings at the end of this year but it all depends on the state of the virus!

We have heard recently of the sad death of Neil Lovesey (not Covid) who came to speak to the club on a number of occasions and will be remembered by some members.
Don’t forget to complete your quiz from Pat, we will go through the answers at our first meeting.

We have had a message from Bob Foulser from Cerne Abbas gardens who have not been able to open their gardens this year but have put a collection of photos online at Cerne Abbas gardens (just click this link)

Please remember that all meetings and trips have been cancelled until the end of August when we will review where we are with the virus.

There are some lovely photos on our blogspot at IDHS blogspot (click the link) and we will always take more especially those vegetable plots – I have added one here to spur you on!

In the meantime please stay safe and well, think about the Treasurer role and hope to see you all again soon

Your Committee