Tuesday, 6 April 2021

 FW: IDHS newsletter - March/April 2021

With warmer weather on the way I thought I would take advantage of a cloudy day to update you all on various issues and decisions and plans.

Firstly thank you to all who attended our first Zoom meeting in February by Ray Broughton on What Show Judges Look For. He provided lots of useful advice on show judging but also some other helpful hints such as dealing with moss in lawns. One of the members kindly wrote up notes which are attached to this newsletter.


Last month we reported we had booked a stall at Frogham Fair where we planned to focus on selling plants given the cancellation  of our May plant sale. Sadly the organisers have decided they cannot go ahead with Frogham Fair as the date is to close to Covid release dates.


Plans for release from lockdown are progressing and we have been looking at how to restart the club. Some of our speakers that were booked have advised us that they are no longer doing talks so we have had to revise our programme.

We have decided to go ahead with our speaker in April via Zoom again and hopefully this is a topic that will appeal to more of you. Gerald Ponting is going to do a talk entitled “The Hampshire Calendar” at 7.30pm on Thursday April 29th  and the invite will be sent out in the week before.


As long as the plans for easing lockdown progress, we are planning on having our first meeting back in the hall on Thursday June 24th which will be an opportunity for members to get together over cake and tea or coffee, pick up the new membership card but there will be no speaker on this occasion. Speakers on a variety of topics have been confirmed for the rest of the year.

Dont forget, we have agreed those members that paid their £6 in 2020 will not be expected to pay again for 2021.

We are also moving to online banking for those of you that prefer to pay this way in the future.


We have had some changes on the committee and now looking for a speaker secretary who would book future speakers, confirm details before a meeting and welcome them on the night and thank them afterwards. If you are interested please get in touch with me

We are also looking for a new trip secretary from November so perhaps give this role some thought as well.


As you know from recent newsletters, the committee has been agonising over whether we can hold the Show this year as a lot of planning needs to start now. As a result of many discussions, we have taken the difficult decision to cancel the Show this year but watch this space as we are planning on doing something on the day.

Should you have a trophy awarded at the Show in 2019, please contact Di Barnaby on dianabarnaby59@gmail.com to arrange a return please.


In the meantime stay safe and well and look out for the invite to the April meeting on Zoom


Your Committee



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