Sunday, 27 March 2022

IDHS Newsletter - March 2022


I hope you are all enjoying this lovely weather and as you are splitting plants, spare a thought for any excess stock that we can have for the plant sale! We will have a table for plant donations should you not want your own table.


We are gradually seeing our membership creeping up and our last meeting saw the most attendees since we restarted.


We have a change of speaker for our next meeting as Janelle has had to pull out for personal reasons. Our new speaker on Thursday 31st March at 7.30pm is Marion Catt, speaking on “A Mixed Bunch” - stories surrounding everyday flowers we use.


We also have the Seed Swap - a great opportunity to try growing something new. Bring unwanted seeds to swap or leave a donation to the club for anything you take.

Refreshments are being delivered by Roshan Humphry and Diane Cecil this month


It will be your last chance to sign up for our first garden visit on April 21st at 2pm to Spinners in Lymington. The entrance is £7 and includes refreshments.


A local neighbour has donated a quantity of bearded Irises which will be available at the meeting, please bring a bag if you would like some.


Show schedules and seeds for the members competition will be available, so please start planning your entries


Membership fees are now due and you can pay and collect your card at the meeting or should you prefer, we are offering alternatives. The cost this year is £10 per person and can be paid by cheque (payable to IDHS) and sent to Mr Alan Milburn at

65, Parsonage Barn Lane, Ringwood, BH24 1PT or by online banking using the following details:

Account Name: Ibsley and District Horticultural Society

Sort Code: 30-96-26

Account number: 42436068

Please put your surname in the reference box




Donations of garden related bric a brac for the plant sale - please bring to this meeting or the next, or to the hall at 10am on Saturday 7th May.

We still require volunteers for the show on the 10th September - please speak to Di Barnaby if you can help.


Dates for your diary:

Thursday 21st April 2pm Spinners Garden visit.

Saturday 6th May 2-4pm Plant Sale ( not to be missed)

Wednesday 16th June 2pm Garden visit to Durrant House in Burley.


Looking forward to seeing you all on Thursday.


Your Committee