Saturday, 23 July 2022

IDHS newsletter - July 2022

Hopefully you are now all enjoying the slightly cooler weather.

Last week's very high temperatures will have produced challenges for many gardeners and hopefully we shall get lots of hints and tips from our speaker this Thursday at 7.30pm. Sally Morgan is coming to talk on “ Climate Friendly Gardening”
We shall have our usual raffle, refreshments and members competition, so please come and enjoy the evening. Roshan Humphry and Chris Withey have kindly offered to do refreshments.

This will be your final chance to book a ticket to go to Chelsea Physic Garden by coach on Thursday 15th September. The cost is £30, but currently we only have 8 people signed up.

Don’t forget to also invite your friends and neighbours to our Celebrity Speaker - Andrew McIndoe - who is our speaker on Thursday 29th September. He is giving us a talk on "The Creative Shrub Garden”. Tickets are £5 for non-members while members are free entry - please remember to pick up your tickets.

Thank you to those who came to our June meeting and brought along a plate of food. It seems that the majority enjoyed the variety of delights on offer. We are pleased to say that we noted a dramatic reduction in food waste.

Our Show is fast approaching ( Saturday September 10th) and I am sure many of you are planning your entries having picked up the schedule. Di Barnaby (07799 327747 or is hoping for offers of 12 cakes to serve on the day. Di also needs to know if you have plants or bric-a-brac which we might sell at the Show.

Looking forward to seeing you all on Thursday

Your Committee