Dear Members,
This newsletter will cover both November and December as we see a new committee forming and only a short time between meetings.
Finally as I write we have a cold crisp day, a lovely respite from all the rain we have endured for weeks and hopefully it has encouraged you out into the garden to enjoy any remaining blooms!
Our December meeting is on Thursday 8th December at 7.30pm where we will have our Christmas Social. We will have a table garden related quiz (with a prize) and raffle but no usual members competition. Instead we are asking you to decorate a cracker with natural materials which will be judged and a prize awarded.
We are asking everyone to bring a small plate of finger food, either sweet or savoury which we will all share. This worked well in June and reduced waste, increased variety and was enjoyed by many. We will be serving refreshments to go with this!
Your new membership cards for 2023 are ready and you can pay and collect your card at the meeting or should you prefer, we are offering alternatives. The cost this year is £10 per person and can be paid by cash or cheque (payable to IDHS) either at a meeting or sent to Mr Alan Milburn at 65, Parsonage Barn Lane, Ringwood, BH24 1PT
or by online banking using the following details:
Account Name: Ibsley and District Horticultural Society
Sort Code: 30-96-26
Account number: 42436068
Please put your surname in the reference box