Friday, 21 July 2023

July Newsletter

 Ibsley & District Horticultural Society

Many of you will be very busy in your gardens, tending your precious plants and vegetables and trying to keep on top of the weeding and watering but we hope that you will allow yourselves an evenings rest and find time to come to the club meeting and Summer Social which is next Thursday, July 27th.

All we ask is for everyone to bring along a plate of nibbles which can be shared around and we will provide the drinks. Mike Webber will be on hand to entertain us with a garden quiz and there will be the usual monthly members competition so that you can bring a pot plant, a single bloom, a vase of flowers and a fruit or vegetable and see if you can get some points which are added up at the end of the year. It is really pleasing to see that there are more participants every month so do join in.

On Tuesday 5th September we have another special garden visit planned for you. A guided tour around Knoll Gardens at Wimborne will be unmissable as you will be able to see spectacular ornamental grasses, shrubs, rare trees and perennials all of which have been established over the past 25 years by the present owner.

Four days later on September 9th will be our main event of the year – the Annual Show. We still need volunteers to help Di Barnaby and her team and if you can’t help out on the day maybe you could donate some plants, bric a brac or unwanted garden sundries to sell at the Show on the Club’s behalf. We are also calling on all cake makers to bake for us so that visitors can enjoy a good selection on the day.

As previously requested in last month’s newsletter, if you are in possession of any cups that you won at the 2022 show then please can you return them as soon as possible – either at the next club meeting or to any of your Committee members who are listed on the back of your membership cards. The cups have to be checked to see if they are in need of refurbishment so do get them back in the next few weeks.