IDHS May newsletter
Welcome to your latest newsletter, it was either brave the heavy showers to plant out the vegetables or write the newsletter and this won!
Hopefully if all goes according to Boris’s plan we will be leaving lockdown behind on Monday 21st June but yet again this is a wait and see game, depending on the Indian variant.
However, on a positive note if all goes to plan we are looking forward to seeing many of you back in the Hall on Thursday 24th June. We have decided not to have a speaker but to give everyone the opportunity to meet and chat, with a piece of cake and tea or coffee.
We will have the usual raffle and also if you have spare plants you are willing to donate to the club, these will be on sale on the stage. There will also be an opportunity to collect your membership cards for the rest of 2021 and pay your subs for this year if you did not pay in Jan or Feb 2020.
If anyone would be willing to help with refreshments on the day please let me know
Thank you to those who joined our virtual meeting in April when Gerald Ponting gave a very informative talk about what goes on in Hampshire with some beautiful photographs to accompany this. Gerald took us through the year and we found out about the 17th century village in Little Woodham which is open on certain weekends and certainly looks worth a visit, the Winchester Hat Fair with street theatre in July and the Portsmouth Dockyard Victorian Christmas in December, to name a few.
I am delighted to let you know that Anita Evans has agreed to become our programme secretary and our programme for 2022 is progressing well.
Our Treasurer, Alan Milburn has also been busy sorting out internet banking so you can pay your annual subscription directly if you prefer.
The details are as follows:
Account Name: Ibsley and District Horticultural Society
Sort Code:30-96-26
Account Number:42436068
We are looking at holding some workshops in September when we would have had our show and if any of you have either the skills around willow weaving or basketry or know any good contacts, please get in touch.
Terry and Bren Ings have let us know that the usual June weekend opening for Cerne Abbas gardens will now be happening on the 14th and 15th August and please check their website for more details.
In the meantime please all stay safe and we look forward to welcoming you back into the Hall on the 24th June (if Boris says that is ok!!)
Your Committee
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