It was lovely to see some different members at our November AGM and meeting where we were entertained by Dr Francis Burroughs talking about his father and his life in gardening at the beginning of the 1900s.
For those of you not at the AGM there are a few decisions you need to be aware of
- It was unanimously agreed that Terry and Bren Ings should be asked to become Life Members of the club given their years of dedication and hard work supporting the club.
- The decision to increase membership fees to £10 was accepted (in light of increased speakers fees and travel costs and hall costs)
- Following a presentation by your Treasurer, Alan Milburn it was agreed to alter the constitution to cease annual audit of the accounts
Our next meeting is fast approaching and we are delighted that Sandy Dingle can finally give us Part 2 of a Story of Christmas and hopefully you will join us to hear her exciting talk and partake of some food and Christmas punch. We will be meeting on Thursday 9th December at 7.30pm and will be seating you at tables of six with the food on the table to reduce infection risks.
There will be a raffle as usual and our last competition this year for members will be a table decoration. (There will be no usual members competition). We are hoping for a quiz for the night from our ever popular quiz master – Pat Mouland
You can pick up your new membership cards at the meeting.
We are following the Covid rules of Ibsley Village Hall which are:
- Please do not attend if you are feeling unwell
- We would like everyone to wear masks (except the speaker)
- We would request that you use the sanitiser at the door entry before you sign in
- We will have a window at the front and back open along with the outside entrance doors open to allow a through draft so please dress accordingly
- The chairs will be well distanced
As things are changing quite rapidly in regards to the new variant, please check your emails on Thursday before you come to make sure we have not had to cancel at the last minute.
Other news:
We still need members to join the committee, with vacancies for a membership secretary and a communication/media person. If you feel you could help please reply to this email or speak to one of the committee.
Di Barnaby is looking for volunteers to help with the Show in September 2022 so please speak to Di if you can help or email her on
As you are looking through the seed catalogues taking inspiration for 2022, don’t forget to save your old open packets of seeds for the Seed Swap. We can take them at any meeting to add to the box or bring them to our meeting in March for our annual Seed Swap.
Finally, on behalf of the Committee, I would like to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a healthy and happy 2022.
Your Committee
Data Protection regulations mean that we have to inform you that the club holds your name, address, email address and telephone number. These will not be shared with any third party and are held securely. If you no longer wish to continue to receive emails from IDHS or for IDHS to continue holding this information about you, please inform us on or speak to a committee member. The information about you is available for you to see at any time.